Production of art works: support for artists

FIVA Acrylic Foundry allows many artists to materialise their creations by making its workshop available to them. They benefit from personalised support so that the production of their works is perfectly integrated into their creative process. Accompanying artists is one of the activities of FIVA Acrylic Foundry. Acrylic inclusion, and other associated techniques in use in FIVA Acrylic Foundry’s workshop, can produce unique pieces.

How FIVA Acrylic Foundry supports artists in the production of their works?

The support consists in:

  • In a preliminary study, we calculate the 3D dimensions, to contribute to the assessment of the feasibility and the effort required. The result is a close collaboration with the artist, who always has the prime role in all decisions;
  • The availability of the workshop: the machines in the FIVA Acrylic Foundry workshop can be used to produce the artist’s pieces. In addition to acrylic inclusion, the production of the piece may require other advanced techniques such as screen printing or laser engraving, digital machining or laser cutting.
  • In a preliminary study, we assess the 3D characteristics to situate the feasibility and allow its fabrication.

Art works can be produced in limited series or as a unique piece.

Des artistes des 5 continents nous font confiance

Le verre acrylique est une matière qui inspire la création artistique.

La rigidité et la transparence du verre permettent de mettre en forme et de figer des objets de différentes matières, en leur apportant une dimension esthétique.

Pour ces raisons, de nombreux artistes nous confient leurs réalisations depuis 20 ans.

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